Why I've decided to not drink anymore

Thursday, 14 May 2015

I realise this title makes me look like an alcoholic but I'm not. That's also exactly what an alcoholic would say right? I am however a student and we are all aware of the drinking culture associated with going to uni.

In truth I've never really been one for drinking. As a teenager I didn't feel the same desire to get wasted and vomit everywhere like everyone else. Partly because I was shy and unconfident, partly because I was scared of losing control like that and partly because my parents are very relaxed about drinking. If I wanted to drink I could, they wouldn't mind and they've always treated me like an adult when it comes to alcohol. As a result I've never really felt the urge to rebel and go crazy.

Unlike a lot of people I didn't start drinking until 6th form and even then it wasn't the be all and end all like it appeared to be to so many of my peers. It was fun, but I had more fun from hanging out with my friends than from the alcohol. The getting ready and the anticipation have always been the best part of a night out, followed by a take away and sitting up til the small hours discussing the most pointless things.

After two years at an all girls grammar school, by the time I was a fresher I was capable of drinking a fair bit. I went out every night for 2 weeks when I first started uni and was barely tired. I would skip off to my 9am the following morning without a care in the world. But for me going out was always about the amazing time I had dancing and meeting people, the drinking just goes along with it.

I've also always been a total lightweight and its never taken much to get me tipsy. As a student this has definite advantages as it means you can afford to go out whenever you want. But I've also always been equally happy to go out sober. Sometimes this is just a necessity because I have often been the designated driver for the night, but occasionally I just didn't really want to drink but still wanted to have a good time.

Because of all this for a student I have never really drunk much and certainly never enough to make an impressive story. I am not one of those girls that can impress guys by downing pints of beer without so much as blinking or do endless shots throughout the night. Although I making myself out to be quite boring here I don't really care. I think my friends will all agree that being on a dance floor with me is an experience regardless of how much I have had to drink.

Over the three years I've been at uni I have gone out less with time. I guess this is normal as being a fresher is a crazy period of your life and you just want to get out there and see what the world has to offer. But after you've been at uni a while you're more settled with stable routines and friendships so you don't feel the need to party as much. Plus you have actually got work you're meant to be doing.

Recently however I have started to really suffer after a night out and not just with a normal hangover. I've decided that even my occasional drinking is not doing my body any favours. Last night I went out and had a few cocktails, despite not feeling drunk my body is not happy today. So I am going to drink a lot less as there seems to be little point when I can have just as much fun without it.

I'm a big girl now and I can make my own decisions without being influenced by others. My friends might think I'm crazy or boring or whatever but its my body so I get to decide what I do with it.

I'm not going to be so rigid as to say I am never drinking again, I'm only human. But I think I'm going to start being a lot more selective about when and what I do drink.
I guess on the plus side less hangovers, more money and in truth cake would be a better use of the calories.

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