Having a job is tough. Going to uni is tough. Doing both at the same time? Pretty damn difficult even for an organised person with their shit together. Somehow I seem to fool people into thinking I am such a person but in reality I'm really not. I am just muddling through trying desperately not to forget any of the things I am meant to be doing.
Right now my life is just revision. And it sucks. Everyone knows this but it doesn't make it any easier. The next two weeks are my final exams of third year and they're also my final exams at uni. Not because I am graduating but because I refused to take any modules next year with an end of semester exam. Got my priorities right for once.
I'm going to be honest, there's been a fair bit of procrastinating but every activity is tainted by guilt because I should be working. But what happens when like me you also have a job to stress about? You go totally insane that what. In fact you decide to write a blog post about it because you have so much stuff to do that anything seems more appealing. Life is hard. But ignoring your problems makes it easier right?
Working while studying deserves more respect then it gets, I'm trying hard to do two different things at once without compromising on performance for either. Its not easy. Today I'm shattered from a late shift last night and trying to revise. I would really love to have a bath and crawl into bed but I can't because I have an exam on Monday.
It's been a gorgeous sunny day and I've been stuck indoors with my computer trying to focus. Its not going well. People tell me if its too much then I should quit my job. But unfortunately for me I cannot have one without the other. I need the job in order to afford to stay at uni and I need the degree in order to one day move on from my current job to another one.
I hope that one day an employer will look at my CV and be impressed I managed to do both at once. Its not easy and means I often have to compromise on my social life. But I like to think I am just working on my life skills. Once we leave the cosy student life we all have to start making these sacrifices and managing our time even more carefully. Hopefully this will stand me in good stead for when I am become a 'proper adult'.
Also everytime I set foot inside the office I am gaining real work experience. Not just a week spent filing and making tea but actually doing the work instead of watching. I've had training, gained skills and been given responsibility. And I'm being paid for it.
I've spent a fair bit of time watching my friends all scramble for internships. Having done over 3 months of unpaid work experience all I can think is they are essentially all competing to be unpaid labour. Compare that to my year of true work experience and consider that I get rewarded for my time and effort. Now I've experienced both I know which one I prefer. Working for nothing gets old very quickly.
Even if it just means I am not dirt poor while I am at uni that surely must be a good thing. Its hard to focus when you are constantly worrying about where you are going to find the money for next months rent or lying awake at night thinking about how close you are to your overdraft limit. Not to brag but I don't even have an overdraft. I've actually got a savings account (although its to pay for uni next year). Check me out, fully fledged adult over here.
There are days like this one when I think I must be properly mad to contemplate being able to do both. But I've managed it for over a year and I like having the security of a regular income. I no longer get that fear when its the end of the term and my student loan has nearly ran out. I also actually like my job and there is satisfaction to be gained from a successful shift. So I just gotta knuckle down and work my way through the next few weeks. Got to hustle if you want results.
And as an added bonus my exams finish pretty close to pay day...Guess I'll be winning then.
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