The Liebster Award

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

So I've been nominated for this by MakingLifeACamera which was such a lovely thing to find when I turned my laptop on this morning!A huge thank you for that, you should definitely check out her blog, her photography is lovely and I always read her posts.

The purpose of this award is to recognize the up and coming blogs that you personally enjoy and to share them with both your readers and fellow bloggers.

So the official rules are as follows (as stolen from MakingLifeACamera) 

1.Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given to you by the nominator
3. Nominate 5-11 new blogs with less than 200 followers and link them
4. Create 11 questions for them to answer
5. Notify the bloggers you have nominated

So here are the questions given to me by MakingLifeACamera

1) What is your favourite type of food?

This changes literally all the time. I'm quite a fussy eater but I try really hard to combat this by trying new things when I get the opportunity. However my all time favorite has to be a roast dinner. Nothing can beat that.
2) Who is your celebrity crush?

Channing Tatum. He's funny, he's hot and he can dance. Tatum get in my pants. 
3) Where in the world would you most like to visit and why?

Since I've got a bit older I have a huge urge to travel. Luckily my lack of actual money quickly reminds me to calm the eff down. But right now I would really love to go to Iceland. I'm not sure I can be a proper geologist until I've been there. Pretty much everyone I know has been and they tell me how amazing it is and I've seen a blog post on NISHAANTISHU and dear god it looks incredible.
4) On an everyday basis, what puts a smile upon your face?

The little small things people do for me. Making me a cup of tea without being asked, a surprise bar of chocolate just because, cooking a nice meal. Its the small easily forgotten moments of happiness that create a happy life. 
5) What is your favourite quote?

I have loads but back when I was 13 and just about to compete for GB for the first time I went to a sports psychology conference where the guy said to us "Good sports people are like a horse with blinkers: always looking forward". 
I have that quote pinned up above my bed and I think it can be applied to all areas of life. In order to be successful we must learn from our mistakes and channel them into something positive. 
6) Who makes you happy?

My hilariously crazy family. I love them so much. I'm also lucky to have some amazing friends who make me laugh so much. And my boyfriend Jared who really understands me. They all make me incredibly happy.  
7) If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self?

It will all be ok in the end and everything will work itself out. Worry less, live more.
8) Any embarrassing stories?

Most of these are too awful to type. I embarrass myself on an everyday basis by saying stupid things. Unfortunately a lot of my cringy moments are recorded on home videos so there is no escaping the shame. 
9) What is your favourite scent?

Nina by Nina Riche. My Mum used to wear it and I got given it for Christmas a few years ago. It reminds me of my Mum whenever I wear it and it makes me feel powerful and strong. 
10) What song are your loving right now?

I'm currently loving Heaven by Amber Run. Such a great track! I love singing to it really loudly in my car.  

11) What is your favourite part of blogging?

I love the chance to express whatever I'm thinking and being able to do something creative. As I am doing a science degree I often end up having very little to show for my efforts. For instance weeks of work might culminate in a few pages of A4 paper which is unlikely to be something I treasure. By writing this blog I am producing something I am proud of and want to continue to work on and improve. 

I would like to nominate 

Your questions are:

1. What made you start blogging?

2. If you had a whole day to yourself what would you do?

3. What is your goal for 2015?

4. What is your favourite thing about yourself?

5. If you had the chance to move abroad for a year would you do it and where would you go?

6. What is the best gift you have ever received?

7. If you won a million pounds how would you spend it?

8. Given unlimited funds where would you like to travel to?

9. What do you like to do to pamper yourself?

10. What is your favourite beauty brand?

11. Who in the world would you most like to meet?


  1. I really enjoy reading your posts so no problem on the nomination :) Channing Tatum is a definite favourite of mine too!

    1. He is sex on legs for sure ;)
      But thank you so much! Looking forward to continuing to read your blog in future xxx


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