Are high end beauty products worth it?
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Over the last year or so my love for make up has increased ten fold. I'm not sure when this change occurred exactly but I suddenly realised how creative you could be with it and its gradually become the best part of my morning routine.
Since becoming a blogger I read a fair few blogs and a lot of these feature make up reviews. While this is not an area I personally want to get into I do find other peoples opinions and experiences of products to be extremely helpful. I'm much more likely to try a product if someone else has already bought it and loved it.
However one thing I have noticed is a lot of bloggers tend to focus on very high end brands and this has lead me to question are these products worth the money?
Generally in life I would agree with the statement that you get what you pay for. Those Primark shoes you got for £4 will probably fall apart but a £60 pair from Zara probably won't. But is it the same with make up?
Does a higher price equal a better product?
In my experience a lot of the time the high end product ends up being of better quality than the cheaper option, but this should be a no brainer. After all you are paying a lot more money, the product SHOULD be better. The question is more whether there is a significant enough difference to justify the extra cash. This is a tricky thing to decide and much depends on the individual product in question.
This is where beauty blogs come in handy for make up newbies like myself as the people who write these blogs have a passion for make up. By writing their blog they try a wide range of products and are better equipped to make a good comparison than someone like me with limited experience. Sometimes there are really good alternatives out there and you could potentially save yourself loads of money. Like most things by doing a little research you can make an informed decision as to which product is best for you.
Are you buying the product or the brand?
Like with everything fashions and trends change endlessly and it can feel like there is endless pressure from social media (including blogs) to keep up. Are you buying the product just because the brand on the packaging will make you look cool? Or because its a 'cult classic'? I actually don't think there's much wrong with enjoying something that lots of other people like. After all, its popular for a reason so there is a strong chance you will like it too. If wearing your Ruby Woo lipsticks makes you feel fierce and strut your stuff like the badass bitch you are then you should definitely get it. But I don't think you should buy it purely because everyone else has. Buy it because YOU like it.
Are you paying for the packaging?
A lot of high end brands have gorgeous packaging, ranging from girly and adorable to chic and sophisticated (looking at you Chanel). But are you forking out the extra money for the pot in comes in? The packaging is there to try and suck you in and could potentially house a substandard product. Equally some of the less snazzy looking drugstore versions can be amazing. There's nothing worse than buying something you really like but it doesn't work. If you love the actual product itself then buy it regardless of how it looks. If it happens to look stunning as well (no matter what it costs) then consider that a bonus.
Are you actually going to use it?
When it comes to choosing whether to splurge or save I personally think it depends on the useage you will get out of the product. Is it only ever going to get the occasional use or will you wear it everyday? Items that you will use day in, day out are worth investing in as you get good value for money. Make up has a shelf life and theres no point spending £30 on a lipstick you only wear five times a year. However if you invest that in a shade you wear twice a week that lipstick only costs you 30p each time you wear it.
You could argue its too expensive to wear these things everyday but I think its better value to treat yourself to your best products and get the maximum use out of them. If you never wear it then the product was a waste of money regardless of how much it cost.
So how do you make a good decision?
Over the years I think I have actually wasted far more money on cheaper products that I don't like than I have ever spent on more expensive ones. The lower price encourages impulse buying and I am guilty of just thinking 'What the hell, its only £3.99'. But this adds up if you consistently purchase items that don't suit you and that you don't actually like.
Sometimes taking a risk is good but I would never spend loads of money on a product I am unsure of. I never thought I would like a dark vampy lipstick so I dipped my toe in with a £5 Rimmel one and I love it. But taking a risk style wise is not the same as just buying stuff without considering if its right for you.
So far I have never purchased a high end product I don't really love. When I know that I am about to spend a fair bit of cash I make careful decisions. I research the product, I read reviews, I watch videos and most importantly I always try it first. If it doesn't make me feel like a goddess then I don't buy it.
Respect the need to experiment in order to learn. But you will make better decisions if you take your time to think about it regardless of how much money your are spending.
So overall are they worth it?
I believe make up is all about how it makes us feel about ourselves. It helps us put on a the face we wish to present to the world regardless of how we feel inside. That extra confidence is priceless and can truly change the way we are perceived by others. Buy the one that suits you, works for you and makes you feel good. You have only wasted your money if you buy it to please others regardless of whether you spent £5 or £50.
Being Yourself,
Do what you want,
Make Up,
Money Saving,
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