Things that have made me Happy this week.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Since I've started this blog I have found writing these posts on happiness to be particularly helpful. It gives me time to take stock of the week that has just passed and encourages me to be grateful for my life. It can be easy to get caught up in todays pressures from social media to be 'better than everyone else'. But really I am becoming happier to go my own path and to enjoy things just because I like them. Not because I've been told to by the media.
This self reflection is good for my overall happiness. Funny how writing about happiness is somehow making me happier, but there you go.

1. This week I decided to try out something called the Pink Parcel which is where they send you everything you need to make your period less of a torture each month. They have a great introductory offer as well, which was what persuaded me to give it a go. The website is easy to use and you get to choose your normal tampons/towels. The whole process took a few minutes and before I knew it I had an email to say my parcel was dispatched. The packaging is discreet and the box inside is a gorgeous muted grey with pink.
Inside you will find your tampons in little matching boxes and a small drawstring bag to put in your handbag. There is also some delightful goodies and this months box contained a face mask, nail file, lip balm, eyeshadow palette and brush.
There is also some chocolate and a herbal tea bag for you to relax with and pamper yourself. I am so impressed and I had a long bath with my facemask on. You should definitely give it a go!

2. Its Clinique Bonus time at John Lewis at the moment and I popped in to get some more Instant Foaming Cleanser. At the same time I picked up a new Chubby Stick Intense in Mightiest Maraschino which is a brilliant red colour. I've found this to be a great alternative to wearing lipstick as it has the same colour intensity but a lovely light feel.
With this came a little bag of bonus time goodies that you got to choose from a selection. I absolutely love this idea as sometimes the bonus time products aren't really suitable for me but this means you get real value out of your freebies.
As well as the Smart Serum (which I've wanted to try for ages!) and the new Aromatics in White fragrance (which is lovely) I also picked up the new Repairwear Sculpting face and eye creams. The face cream is a gel which is perfect for my oily skin and the eye cream glides on so smoothly. I also got a bright pink nail varnish and a chubby stick in whopping watermelon. Felt very smug and satisfied with my haul. Go me!

3. Made some progress on sorting out where I am going to live next year and the girls I am potentially going to live with seem really nice. Spent a nice afternoon with them chatting and eating cookies. Finding somewhere to live as a student is really stressful and it would be great if I could get this sorted.

4. My Mum has decided to pass down some of her rings to me and my sisters this week and my one is absolutely beautiful. Its an opal with sapphires and it has to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever given me. Big thanks to my Mummy! Maybe one day if I have a little girl I might give it to her as it is such a special gift. I will always treasure it.

5. Spent several evenings this week cuddled up on the sofa under the duvet with a cup of tea watching Harry Potter. I bloody love HP and its such a great way to unwind. It literally never fails to cheer me up. Yep I realise this made the list last week too. That's how much I love it.

6. I did something a bit different this week and went to watch my Unis 'Strictly Come Dancing' competition. I admit I only went because two of my friends were competing and I am so proud to say they won! I've never been to watch anything like this before and surprised myself by really enjoying it. Its encouraged to me to maybe check out some of the other events the uni puts on.

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