We all the know the feeling, its like PMS but you're not close enough to your next period to cash in this excuse. Everyone is annoying you. If one more person says something you fear you might actually punch someone in the face. The truth is nobody is doing anything wrong and you are on a short fuse because you are in a bad mood. Its that simple.
I'm not the only person who gets like this right? You know thats its all in your head but you just keep getting more and more frustrated. You know that there is no reason you are annoyed, its just you having a bad day.
Yesterday was one of those days for me. I was so annoyed with everything I couldn't even bring myself to write this post on the actual day. The things that conspired to annoy me yesterday included:
- The olive oil on top of the fridge falling off and spilling everywhere when I slammed the fridge door 2 minutes before I had to leave.
- Dropping my pill just before I took it and having to scramble around looking for it at the bus stop.
- Being unable to find my keys as they were hiding in the depths of my bag so I had to practically upend it to locate them.
- My tights having a ladder in them and they are my last semi decent pair.
- It was raining.
Woe is me right? Getting irritated about things is fine once in a while, hey I'm only human. But if I'm being mean to the people I care about just because I got up on the wrong side of the bed then I need to get myself back in a sunny mood. As a fairly temperamental person (who has recently had to change pills because of the horrific mood swings it gave me) I have developed some tried and tested techniques.
1. Alone time. Just spent a little bit of time on your own and compose yourself. Yesterday I went and laid on my bed in a T-shirt and pants and did nothing for 10 minutes. I felt instantly calmer. Just being by yourself allows you to calm down, breathe and remember you are getting annoyed about nothing.
2. Get your comfiest PJs on and a cup of tea. Just sit in bed and play some calming music. Do it properly and put on some fluffy socks with a big jumper. If you happen to have some Hagen Daz then it is time to break it out.
3. Put down your phone. Stop looking at facebook or instagram because social media involves people and that is a sure fire way to get yourself all pissed off again. You do not need to see that annoying girl from school got engaged or that your relation is off on some amazing holiday. Save that for when you are human again or you might end up smashing your precious phone.
4. If you feel like the irritation is about to explode out of you then write it down. I keep a diary and it really helps. I worry that one day my Great-Grandchildren might find it and think I'm a really angry cow as I only tend to reach for it when I'm feeling upset about something. On good days I am too busy living life to write it down. But if it helps then do it. Then hide it somewhere good. Nobody needs to know the horrid thoughts that go through your mind during one of these days.
5. Watch Harry Potter. We are the HP generation and there is something so soothing about losing yourself in Harry's troubles. Once you remember that you aren't tasked with killing Voldemort your minor dramas don't really matter anymore.
6. Once you are feeling better, arrange to see your friends. I always feel low after I've calmed down and spending time with other people really helps shift that uneasy feeling that I've wasted my day. I spent the evening with my mapping buddies and we made lasagne. Totally cheered me up even though I didn't feel like going at first, but I'm glad I did.
Pjs, a cuppa and some alone time normally does the trick for me! But if all else fails, I bust out the HP box set ;).
ReplyDeleteIt cures 90% of lifes problems I swear. Just being nice to yourself works wonders :D x