Field Trip to Tenerife

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Me with Mt Teide in the background
Now without wanting to point the finger this trip is the main reason why I have fallen behind with this blog. I am not the biggest fan of field trips, I'm going to be honest and say I hate them. But this one was such a great fun (if we ignore the actual work, soz but rocks are boring). I went out to eat almost every night with my friends, we went in the freezing cold pool and all got ridiculously merry on the final night.

Then theres the island itself. Having never been to Tenerife before I had no idea what to expect but it is spectacular. You don't have to be a geologist to appreciate it but having an understanding of what is going on makes it all the more incredible.

The pictures speak for themselves so take a peak if you want to know what I got up to. The altitude sickness was shit but was worth it to go to the top of Mount Teide!

La Tarte- ash fall deposits

Scoria Cone 2500m up!

Something my friends found funny...

Me with the Geology Girls on top of Mount Teide 3500m up! Love these girls. Sirens forever.

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