Halloween Madness!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Ok first of all, massive apoliges for neglecting this. But hey, I'm a new blogger, its allowed. I've been really busy but I thought I would do a quick series of posts for you on the main things I've been up over the past few weeks.

First of all lets start from where I left off: Halloween!

My flatmates and I hosted a witches tea party with spooky snacks and we had a few friends over before heading out for the night. Beforehand my flatmate Nicola took her turn to cook for us and made us a yummy spinach and ricotta cheesy pasta bake.

Nicola and I spent the night before tidying the house and making the snacks (mostly Nicola, I 'helped'). There was an unfortunate incident with the jelly when Nicola opened the fridge and the unset jelly fell out and went EVERYWHERE. Really gross and sticky but we managed to clean it up eventually.

Was such a fun night with everyone dressing up. I was a witch although my hat kept falling off my head and I lost it when we went out...

Had to get up horribly early the next morning to catch my train home as I needed to get my passport before my trip to Tenerife.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Picture kindly provided by Nicola :)

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