Trip to Beer in Devon for Hannahs 21st

Thursday, 27 November 2014

With the birthday girl
Spent this weekend on an amazing trip to Beer in Devon for my friends 21st.

Her extremely generous parents hired out a Youth Hostel for Hannah and her twin Abi's 21st party.

Set off on the train down there and after a bit of a struggle to find a taxi that ended up with Hannahs mum having to come and rescue us, we arrived!

At the beach
First things first, the town is actually called Beer. Makes me giggle just thinking about it. Also the youth hostel looks like a bloody manor house. Ive stayed in some pretty crappy youth hostels on geology field trips but this one was lovely.

Her parents cooked us delicious food, provided us with plenty of booze and left us to it. I had such a great time and after a night of heavy drinking and (sweaty) dancing her parents treated us to a hangover curing fry up. I have never been so happy to see bacon. After stuffing ourselves we headed down to the beach for some Geology nerding and to clear our heads before setting off home.

Massive thanks to Hannah and family for such a fabulous weekend. If you ever get the chance, check out Beer, it is the cutest little place.

Enjoy the pictures!
Its literally bloody Hogwarts

Doing some geology. LOL it looked pretty so I took a picture.

Such a cute little place!

I just wanted to go in all the little shops

If I had a beach hut I would want it to look like that

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