10 Things you should know about me...

Friday, 10 October 2014

To kick off my new blog in style here are a few little details about myself. I could have made this list much longer but in an effort to keep an air of mystery I have limited myself to just 10 points.

1. I listen to really cheesy music as much as I can get away with. And I don't care who judges me.

2. My ideal night is a bath and a glass of wine. Original I know.

3. I'm not really interested in working in the field when I graduate. Sorry lecturers who might read

4. In fact, Geology field trips are my personal idea of hell.

5. I'm fairly obsessed with my pony, Jasper.

6. Probably the only person on Earth who thinks her new iPhone is rubbish.

7. I'm lame and go home every weekend to see my family and my pony. And not always in that order.

8. My relationship with my car is deep and complex and I miss it greatly during the week while I'm at uni. Anyone who has lived in the middle of nowhere will truly appreciate the freedom that a car gives you. And how much it sucks having to walk everywhere at uni.

9. At the moment I don't really know what I want to do with my life. But I guess that's fairly standard for a 20 year old.

10. Online shopping is the best invention ever. Praise be to the Asos Gods.

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