Hi, my name is Amber. Welcome to my new blog where I hope to write about my life and interests.
first, a little bit about myself. I am 20 years old and currently in my
3rd year of my MSci Geology degree at the University of Southampton.
This might seem odd considering that I plan to write a fair bit on
fashion and beauty which are not generally associated with someone
studying for a degree in rocks. But this is one of the reasons I wanted
to start this blog, not all geologists like scrambling around on rocks
and living permanently in mud encrusted walking boots.
I have
three younger sisters and grew up in a slightly mad but hilarious family
in a small village in Wiltshire. My wider family all live very close
and I live on my Grandparents farm. While my family are not well off (my
Dads a builder and my Mum works in admin) I have always been obsessed
with horses. I am extremely lucky in where I live as this allows me to
be able to have my own horse and I write a blog on our adventures which
can be found here.
new blog is going to focus on my life outside of horses and on the
things I have learnt since University has forced me to take a step back
from my much loved hobby. So far I have loved university life and I want
to start documenting the new interests I have developed and the wisdom
living away from home has given me.
So join me on a brand new adventure as I write about what I get up to and the things I think are important.
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