Why the small things matter

Friday, 10 October 2014

Today my boyfriend did a very small but nonetheless sweet thing for me. I've been unwell for the past few days and without being asked he turned up with a bar of Dairy Milk to make me feel better.

Now I'm sure that many people are thinking, so what? But my point is that it isn't just a bar of chocolate, instead it represents something much deeper. It shows that he knows me well enough to have recognised that I needed a little pick me up and better yet, he knew exactly what that little thing needed to be (Everyone knows there are very few things that cannot be cured with a glass and a half full of Dairy Milk joy).

It's not even that this is an unusual occurrence. One of the best parts of being in a relationship is the giving and receiving of small, well thought out gifts. What drove me to write this post is the principle of being grateful for the smallest things people do for you as they are often the most meaningful. The insignificant things tend to add up overall to much bigger things. If they were to suddenly disappear from your life you would miss them more than the elaborate gifts and gestures. The little things are the ones that happen everyday and therefore have the most impact.

This doesn't just apply to your significant other but to our friends and family too. Last weekend my sister sat and helped me with a huge project I had due in. I was almost blind with panic that I wouldn't get it done in time but the little bit of help she gave me by making me a soothing cup of tea and sitting with me while I worked made a huge difference.

My point is appreciate the tiny things people do for you. They are easy to overlook in the chaos of everyday life but as I write this tucked up on the sofa with Netflix, a cup of tea in one hand and my Dairy Milk in the other, I'm going to make an effort to make more small gestures of my own.

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