Things that have made me happy this week

Monday, 9 March 2015

Apologies for this post being late, I had an exam this morning so I had to spend last night revising so I didn't get a chance to write this until today. Still better late than never! 

1. This week I went to Chiquito in Ocean Village to celebrate my amazing friends 21st birthday. I had the most delicious burger with jalapeno jam and grilled halloumi with cranberry relish washed down with lots of wine! There was a great group of people there and going out to dinner is probably one of my favorite past times. A massive happy birthday to Chris, you are an incredible friend and I am so pleased I met you at uni.

2. For the first time in ages I achieved my goal of going to the gym three times this week! Go me!

3. Been watching some great stuff this past week as I've discovered Malcolm in the Middle. As a 90's kid who is also one of four children (except we are all girls) I can really appreciate their chaotic lives and find myself being like 'OMG that is so us' in an exceptionally cringy way. I'm kind of glad I didn't watch it at the time and I love that it makes me think about my own childhood as well as appreciating the nostalgia I feel for the 90's. Also watched the extended edition for the Fellowship of the Ring for the first time. This is definitely my favorite LOTR film and I loved all the extra bits about the Shire. I would make a great hobbit, all that food and merryment sounds right up my street.

4. I've picked up a few new bits for my room recently on the super cheap (will do a post on this soon I promise!) and I am particularly loving this bad boy. Taken directly from Hannah Gales advice on how to be happy I marched straight to Paperchase and grabbed my own. Pie is a wondrous thing and should be celebrated in my opinion.

5. Been a bit cheeky and grabbed myself one of these bad boys. After a bit of stressful weekend at work, followed by an exam I headed to Boots to grab a new tangle teaser. While I was there I happened to be admiring this as I have read so many amazing things about it. The girl working at the counter offered to give me a makeover and as I have never tried any of Benefits products I thought I would give it a go. I was particularly impressed with three things, the Rollerlash Mascara, the Gimme Brow and the Puff Off eye gel. As I am short on the pennies I only got the mascara which I was in awe of how of a difference it made. On my makeup free face it totally transformed me and I no longer looked so tired. I've always used Max Factor Mascara as I think it does an amazing job and is great value so this is my first 'High end' mascara. In fact the only reason I was intrigued by the Roller Lash in the first place was I had ran out of my false lash effect. We shall see if its good enough to stop me going back to my old faithful one!

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