A (virtually) free shopping spree!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Check out the awkward rhyming on the post title there. Ah well, really need to get better with them.
Yesterday I went shopping just because I was bored and although I got loads of stuff I only actually purchased one item. Although it was the most expensive, I am hoping I am going to get real value out of it.

So yeah I finished yesterday on a bit of a high. I also got some new things for my room but I will do a seperate post on them another day.


1. Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette 
So I did the most sterotypical blogger thing ever and jumped on the Naked Palette hype. But I'm a lifestyle blogger so its allowed. This is literally all over the internet and everyone is raving about them. As I spent most of my lecture yesterday watching YouTube tutorials that all involved this I decided to go see what its all about. My local Urban Decay counter is in Debenhams (who knew?!) and the girl gave me such a lovely make over as I couldn't decide which one to buy. I was so impressed with the Naked 3 palette I actually purchased it. Also seriously regretting not asking her what on earth she put on my lips because it was INCREDIBLE. I  am poor AF right now but I'm also a  bad girl and I don't care. Its so lovely and pretty and I cannot wait to wear it! It also came with a 1 week sample of each of their different eye primer potions which I have been desperate to try. So yeah, that was the only part of the spree that I actually spent real money on.

2. Soft ribbed T-Shirt
I found an unspent New Look Voucher left over from Christmas! The excitement! So I picked up this bad boy which I bought in a size too big because I want it to be slightly slouchy. I haven't tried it on yet and so it could go back. But its just so soft and I'm really into my neutral colours at the moment.

3. Went a little crazy in Boots
I love nothing better than an afternoon to wonder round Boots by myself and sniff out some great beauty buys. I'm pretty pleased with little haul and I think I might have got myself some real bargains. I grabbed myself a Soap and Glory Supercat eyeliner as I have heard all sorts of praise for this, my current eyeliner pen is running out and this seems like a good one to replace it with.
Next I chose a Seventeen Instant Glow Shimmer Brick in pink bronze which seems like an excellent dupe for the Bobbi Brown ones but a fraction of the price. Finally I picked up two new nail varnishes, one from Natural Collection in Pink Manicure as it was so cheap and I've never tried any of their nail varnish. The other was  Barry M Gelly Hi Shine in Sugar Apple as this seems identical to the Essie one in Candy Mint Apple but costs much less.
Best of all none of this cost me a penny thanks to my Boots points! And I've still got money left on it!

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