The Happiness Project: Part 2

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

So it has been a full week since I handed my dissertation in. It feels like much longer but I think that is mostly because I have been really busy. But more importantly: I've been busy having fun at long last.

It's been quite the action packed weekend and thanks to my new uni timetable I now have Fridays off which makes life even better.

I spent Friday going shopping by myself which is always such a treat. I love taking the time to browse slowly and just generally peruse at my leisure. I also got myself a new bag, some new sunglasses (for generally being fabulous) and a new thermos flask for surviving long days at uni. Naturally I have forgotten the thermos today. Well done Amber.
After I had finished wasting all my student loan I spent the afternoon reading which is something I rarely get time to do at uni as there is always so much going on. My book of choice was The Wrong Knickers by Bryony Gordon and I have actually already read it. Its such a funny book and any girl in her twenties can identity with it.

Friday night was a Disney themed house party being hosted by one of my friends. Yes that's right I did say Disney. My excitement could barely be contained. My girl friends came over for drinks and to get ready (always the best part of the night) and the party was a great laugh. I drank a little bit too much wine and ended up getting a taxi to Jareds. Apparently I was very drunk and being quite annoying but oh well. A girl deserves to get drunk with her friends once in a while.

Saturday was spent recovering with Jared being lovely to me because I was feeling rather fragile while watching loads of films. By mid afternoon (and copious amounts of ibuprofen) I was feeling much better. I spent several hours pampering myself for an amazing date night with Jared. Was really nice to spend some time together.

Sunday mostly consisted of food starting with an all you can eat breakfast and ending with a dominoes order. There goes my eating healthily resolution! Then just snuggling up in my onsie watching Harry Potter before bed. Got another action packed week ahead.

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