8 Things that have made me happy this week

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Life is all about celebrating the little things as these are the moments that add up to make us happy.
It's been a busy week and I haven't done one of these posts in ages. Writing them really helps me appreciate my life and be grateful for what I have.

1. I actually knew the answer to a question in a lecture. Admittedly it was quite an easy question and I'm sure everyone else in the room also knew the answer but just couldn't be bothered to say it. But for the first time ever at uni I was confident enough to speak up. Which is weird really because at school I was pretty much Hermione Granger, leaping out of her seat with excitement every time a teacher asked a question. I think I made an effort to ditch my annoying teachers pet image at uni, but on reflection I think I've taken it too far the other way. So, I'm pleased with my small win there.

2. I've got myself a new jumper. Best thing about it is that it was free. And I just love free things. To make it even better its one of Jareds that I've had my eye on for a while and now it no longer fits him its become mine. Hehehehe. All girls love stealing their boyfriends clothes because everyone knows that oversize jumpers are the only way to survive winter.

3. Got myself some Converse which I snapped up for a bargain price online from someone who had bought the wrong size and just wanted to get rid of them. I've wanted some for ages after my old pair fell apart. Currently wearing them in so they stop being so blindingly new and shiny. Already in love with them.

4. Made a fantastic decision to purchase a new Thermos flask. Its a purple paperchase one and it has owls and unicorns on it. It is literally perfect. After looking at my bank statement and realising I am wasting so much money on tea in the canteen I've decided to curb my habit and bring the tea with me. Problem solved.

5. Try not to be too impressed but I've actually been to the gym a few times over the last week. I'm hardly claiming to be a fitness maniac but I am pleased with my small amount of progress.

6. I went home at the weekend and got to see my family. My sister is home from uni on a so called reading week and it was lovely to all be home together. Spent some time outside messing around with the horses and just generally chilling. I'm pretty tired from it though as I was also working so had to get up at 5am and probably only had about 6 hours over the whole weekend.

7. Last Friday I went for a lovely impromptu coffee date with my geology girls and we spent a few hours drinking hot chocolate and gossiping. The perfect way to spend a day off. #Sirens forever.

8. I've spent large amounts of time in my onsie watching TV and drinking tea. This is the ultimate way to distress. Jared and I also made a huge list of films to watch and have been slowly going through them. So far The Lego Movie has to be the best. I know everyone else says this but I genuinely thought it would be shit and was amazed by how good it was. Made me want to go play like a 6 year old again.

So there you have it. Got another busy week ahead yet.

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