Things I currently want

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

I love pretty things!
1. A faux fur headband. As previously mentioned I think I might look like a total muppet so I have never bought one. But I want it...

2. Netflix. As my boyfriend has this and I spend a lot of time at his house its pointless to spend any money on it. But I want to be able to watch it whenever I like. AKA. All the time.

3. For my dissertation to stop ruining my life. If it could just go away that would be great.

4. To have my car at uni. It would make my life a million times easier. 

5. I really want a go pro. Like really want one. Partly for filming my horse stuff with but also for just say to day life. I've spent a lot of the Christmas holidays watching old home videos and they're so hilarious. I reckon we could record some awesome stuff on a go pro. Now I just need to find £280....

6. A cat onsie. I already have a onsie. It's leopard print and it's awesome. I also have pjamas with a hood that looks like a robin. Next on my list is to actually get a cat one. With ears and a tail and everything. I'm going to wear it and sleep for 16 hours a day. 

7. Eyelash curlers. I'm not sure I can be a proper girl without these. I need to stop messing around and just buy some. 

8. Clinique sonic brush. I feel like this will turn my skin care around and make me look like a super model. But then again it's EIGHTY POUNDS. So maybe not. 

9. Coffee. I bloody hate coffee yet I want to be as basic as everyone else and walk around with my Starbucks. Instead of having to be boring and get a hot chocolate every time I go into a coffee shop.

10. A Mac. Again I'm basic and I don't care. My sister has a Mac and it's so much prettier and cooler than my shitty HP laptop. But y'know as I don't have a spare grand lying around I'll have to give this a miss for now. 

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