Barry M's Winter Nail Colours

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

I am literally in love with Barry M's A/W Nail Varnish collection this year and every time I go into town I seem to come back with yet another one. Whoops. Here are the four I've collected so far.

1. Berry Cosmo.
Love this bright, happy purple colour. I swear purple is literally the best colour for winter as its so deep and rich. Shown here with one coat and no top coat. Looks great with neutral colours and certainly brightens up any outfit. I've been wearing it all season and I have to keep stopping my sisters stealing it. Everyone else is obcessed with it and I even had a stranger in Boots ask me what colour I was wearing. If you only buy one of these, make it this one as its the most versatile.

2. Vintage Violet                                                I'm sure nobody will be surprised after my above statement to see yet another purple on this list. I just had to buy this as it is so different to any other colour I own and I think it will also work great in Spring. Its such a soft, dusky colour that it instantly makes me feel demure and classy. In fact its so soft, it looks almost neutral on and therefore goes with literally everything. As is it has such a neutral undertone it will look great with most skin tones too. Buy this one if you are looking for something a little different to add to your collection. Two coats, no top coat.

3. Raspberry                                                          I love berry shades of nail varnish and raspberry has to be my favorite. Its so bright, fresh and zingy. It just screams fun and happiness. Its still quite a strong, bold colour so is great for the colder months. I wore this with dark colours to liven up boring work outfits and it worked a treat. This is probably the most 'out there' of these colours and I've got a few friends who I'm fairly sure this is not their cup of tea. But I love it and its going to be making a few more appearances during this cold snap. Shown with one coat, no top coat.

 4. Nightshade
Now this is definitely a winter colour! Its actually a very deep purple and I think it looks great with a vampy lipstick. I can't wait to wear it out to parties when I get back to uni.
Its extremely bold and not a colour for the faint hearted but its really wearable and looks great with virtually every outfit. In particular with a crisp white shirt and its a great way of injecting some style into work wear. Shown with one coat, no top coat.

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