Straight hair week

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Woah, I look weird with straight hair
Ok, I have a confession to make. After my post the other day about curly hair I claimed that actually it is better than straight hair, but last week I got my hair straightened.

Now first of all let me explain this treachery. Over the summer I went on a massive field trip to the Isle of Skye for 6 weeks to do my Independent Mapping which is what geologist do to kickstart their dissertation. That's right, not only do we have to write the damn thing but first of
all we have to spend 6 weeks of our summer on it (and thousands of precious pounds). I
And fishtail braids are so easy when its straight!
returned from this adventure looking and feeling like a lady troll and vowed to rectify this as soon as I came home with some pampering.

Obviously as soon as I got home I got distracted with having actual FUN and forgot about my plans to get my hair done. But last week I decided to just do it and got my hair professionally coloured for the first time (embarrassing to admit I know). It was such a lovely treat and enjoyed every second of it.

The upshot of this is that I emerged from the hairdressers three hours later with straight hair which is also now a lovely rich brown as opposed to my natural mousy colour. I haven't straightened my hair for about four years because I am too lazy so nobody at uni has ever seen it when its straight.

When I walked into a lecture the next day (only slightly late, whoops) there was a collective gasp from my friends who couldn't stop wanting to touch it haha. When its straight its also clear how long it really is so there was lots of freaking out over that too. My boyfriend and flatmates were also pretty shocked but I was reassured to hear from all my friends that they prefer it curly. Which is lucky really cos I am sure as hell not going through all that hassle everyday.

Its so bloody long!
Anyway hope you enjoy the photos. I certainly enjoyed the change and being able to just get up, brush it and go like a normal human being. But I am relieved to be back to my curls because I actually like to be different and feel a little too plain without them.

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