10 things that have made me happy this week.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Sorry that this is a day late but life was busy yesterday. Its been a crazy old week and I've loved it so here are the things that made me happy.
Us ladies looking glam

1. Went on a girls night out with my flatmates. It was so much fun, I cooked dinner and we drank lots of wine before spending hours getting ready and reliving our youth with super cheesy music. Can't believe I had forgotten how great Cascada is and I am totally playing it now while I type this. 

2. Getting an extra hours sleep = WIN. Never mind the dark nights, we'll worry about that later. 

3. Finally watching the Wolf of Wall Street which I swear I have been trying to see ever since it first came out. Absolutely loved it even though it was so long I had to watch in two sittings. Leo is great in it and as we all know, hes also pretty tasty. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it.

4. As I mentioned last week I was planning a date night with my boyfriend for our anniversary. Well the actual night rolled around and it was so lovely! I wore a pretty dress and we had a lovely meal out together. Massive thank you, it was such a treat. 

5. On Sunday I had a catch up with my friend and her sister who was visiting. A quick meet up for coffee ending up spanning several hours but it was so nice to see them both. Nothing like seeing friends to boost your mood.

6. Got myself some new super snuggly PJs to celebrate the start of cosy nights in.

7. My uni timetable has now improved significantly now that I have finished one module that is only five weeks long but is very intense. Now have two days a week off RESULT.

8. Got my hair done and felt oh so glam like a super sassy businesswoman. More on that in a later post.

9. Renewed my gym membership cos I'm gonna be a super fit, toned gym bunny. 

10. Got home today to find my flatmate had baked an incredible fruit cake with white chocolate. It was literally heaven.

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