Is the iPhone really the best thing since sliced bread?

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Recently my beloved Samsung Galaxy S3 has started to be really slow and unresponsive. The battery life is no longer as good as it once was and to be honest it’s started to become annoying. 

I always imagined that when my precious phone finally died I would upgrade it to Samsungs current model (whatever it may be) as I thought my S3 was practically perfect in every way. 
 But when I came to choose my new phone I was shocked at how enormous the Samsung S5 was. It’s way too big to be practical for me so enter my new iPhone 5s which I am not ashamed to admit I chose it purely because the size is convenient. Such a technophobe.

So far I have to admit I’m not entirely in love with it. So while this is in no way a post about technical thingy ma bobs about how these various phones work here is what I’ve found so far. 

Things that annoy me about my iPhone:

  • The charger situation is seriously annoying. Apples sneaky move of changing the charger means that I have to wave goodbye to the freedom of Androids micro usb charger. As I’ve had several Samsungs over the years I’ve acquired quite a few chargers (plus one I’ve stolen from my sister, whoops). This means I just leave my chargers scattered about where ever I may need one and never have to worry about forgetting it when I go home for the weekend. Now I am going to have to purchase several more and this is going to cost me lots of money. You can’t even buy a cheap fake version as it makes the 5s go all weird and refuse to unlock while its plugged in. Damn you Apple and your money making schemes.
  •  The layout of some general apps is different on iOS then it is on Android and not always for the better. For example the way the Facebook app is laid out with the navigation bar at the bottom not the top is bloody irritating.
  • My Instagram no longer remembers all my hashtags which is total pain cos I have to keep typing them all out again. Life is too short for this. Sort it out Apple/Instragram or whoevers fault this is.
  • ·         Its harder to personalise settings than on Android and despite being famously simple I find the iOS interface less intuitive. Maybe I’m just stupid.
  • ·         Also it’s costing me more money for my contract. Anything that makes me spend money is annoying.

Things that I actually quite like about my iPhone:
  • ·         Facetime is quite cool. Or well I reckon it could be as both my Mum and my sister have iPhones as do lots of my friends so it could come in handy.
  • ·         It runs quicker than my old S3 but that’s hardly surprising as its brand new.
  • ·         The fingerprint scanner is so effing handy. No more having to endlessly type in my stupid passcode.
  • ·         The battery life is also pretty good but again it is brand new so we’ll see if I’m still impressed with it in a few months’ time.
  • ·         It’s a convenient size as it fits in your pocket and is just right in your hand.
  • ·         The front camera is much better than my old phone which is great cos I’m partial to a bit of Snapchatting here and there.
  • ·         Unlike with a Samsung there are a vast variety of cases available for it which as a girl is important because I want my phone to look stylish.
  • ·         It’s just so black and shiny and pretty to look at.

So while right now I’m not entirely sold on the iPhone I’m sure that I will soon join the hordes of Apple wankers and wonder how I ever used a measly Android.

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