I'm hoping that this will become a regular thing on my blog and to celebrate its one week birthday here is my very first attempt at this.
1. I had an hour long Skype session with my friend Imogen who is currently being chic and sophisticated living it up in Paris visiting the Eiffel Tower and checking out the incredible local coffee (and lingerie!) shops. I haven't spoken to her for a while and it was so lovely to catch up as I've really miss her. She also has her own blog so you can follow her adventures here.
2. My Mummy finally came home after a stressful visit to Crete to try and sort out my Grandads affairs as he sadly passed away recently. He moved to Crete just over 6 years ago and unfortunately we didn't get to see him much after that. I'm still really sad whenever I think about the fact I can never talk to him again. But anyway I was really happy to see my Mum and we've had birthday celebrations (Chinese takeaway) as it the big day happened while she was away in Crete. Glad you're home Mum!
3. Finally got my act together this week and went and got my bus pass. Got stung £265 for it but this now means I can hop around Southampton to my hearts content. The freedom (and less walking) is bliss.
4. In my first year my four bestest girl friends who do Geology with me used to have regular pizza nights where we would stuff ourselves, watch a film and gossip. Somehow this got put on hold last year which was probably to do with us being all spread out around the city but we had such a great time this week. We ordered £60 worth of Dominos (only paid £30 for it WIN) and devoured it within about 10 minutes. The film chosen was This Means War and we all agreed we would have gone for Tom Hardy. Would just like to take a moment to say I love these girls so much and the past 2 years would have been shit without them. And we need more Pizza nights!
5. My boyfriend and I have been planning a really nice date with an elaborate dinner this week. Anything that involves dressing up and eating scrummy food is a sure fire way to make me happy.
6. This chocolate spread from Waitrose. Its so delicious and I daren't even look at how many calories it has but it's so chocolately and perfect. Go buy some. But don't forget to hide it from your flatmates.
7. It has literally not stopped raining in Southampton over the last week and we've also had some rather scary thunderstorms. Lying in bed, listening to the rain while I'm snuggly and warm is absolute heaven.
8. My new Avon Glimmersticks. My Mum bought me one of these last year and I instantly fell in love with it. I wore it almost everyday and it recently ran out. I don't think I've ever worn an eyeliner so much before that I actually used it all up. As they were in the sale I got three of them in different wearable colours. They go on so smoothly, stay put all day and are great for subtly enhancing your eyes without looking too 'done up'.
9. The only good thing about this incessant raining (going to start working on my arc soon) is that its a great excuse to wear my favorite boots everywhere. These were a birthday present from my Grandma and I love how comfy they are. Now that they are a few years old they are fabulously distressed and look incredible.
10. Relaxing in my new room at uni with candles burning, music playing and a hot chocolate by my side. That makes it pretty hard not to be happy.
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