Goodbye Holly - the best dog anyone could ask for

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Apologies for ruining any 2017 is going to be the best year ever vibes but the year has got off to a pretty sad start for me. This is going to be a pretty personal post and I'm not really sure where I'm going with it.

On the 4th January we made the heart wrenching decision to say goodbye to our incredible dog Holly.

Words cannot describe how difficult this decision was for us and it was something we had thought carefully about for a long time. She was 16 years old and her health was starting to fail.

We haven't had a pet put to sleep since I was small and I honestly thought I had made my peace with what was going to happen. I still think we made the right decision but I was in no way prepared to feel so much grief. I thought because I was an adult now that I could hold onto the logical reasons that we had for making this decision. Turns out knowing it was the right thing to do didn't make any difference. You love the same no matter how old you are so it hurts just as much to lose them.

In the end it was all very peaceful despite it being incredibly sad. She slipped away surrounded by her family while my Mum cuddled her.

I just feel so incredibly sad that she is gone and that I'll never see her again. That she is no longer here to make us all laugh with her antics.

For such a small dog she had so much character and personality and there won't ever be another like her.

Although it upset me I'm glad I went to the vet with her. I think it is important to see it through to the very end. If you're going to have animals you cannot shy away from the less pleasant aspects. Its your duty as an owner to be there for the good and bad.

Holly will always be in our hearts and even though I'm crying as I write this I know she made our lives that much better for the incredible 16 years we had with her.

"Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"
-Dean Koontz

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