As a student your room is where you spend most of your time. You work, socialize, sleep and (most likely) eat in there. Its also your haven away from annoying housemates and life in general. Unfortunately most student landlords are agents of the devil and are capable of making any room look like a prison cell. After 3 years of student accommodation I have finally managed to find a nice landlord who appreciates that students do not want to live in a magnolia box (he is most definitely the exception to the norm though). Even so, it can be hard to make the space feel like your own when you are limited by your contract and a tight student budget.
Below are three ways I have personalized my room with accessories acquired for very little money, I hope they inspire you to be creative when it comes to decorating your room!
1. It is a known fact that fresh flowers make any room look much nicer. To decorate one of my bedside tables I got this vase for £3 from Waitrose and a bunch of Daffodils for £1. The three candles are all from Primark and were 80p each. I love the yellow of the flowers against my yellow walls and how much they brighten the place up.
Total cost: £6.40
2. This idea was direcetly taken from Hannah Gales happiness advice so after a rubbish day I ran to Paperchase and picked up this postcard for 60p. I decided I loved it so much it needed a frame so picked this one up from Poundland. I am really loving having it next to my bed as it is the first thing I see in the morning. The lamp is one I already had from Tesco a few years ago, the handcream I got for Christmas and the lip balm came in my Pink Parcel. So although I already had this stuff none of it was too pricey.
Total cost: £1.60
3. My third and final idea is a craft I did myself. I've been looking at some lovely prints on Etsy but I didn't really have any pennies. So I went on Pinterest and found a quote I liked and made my own design using my sisters watercolours before adding the lipstick print. The frame is another one from Poundland and I think its a great way to display my creation. The diffuser is from Sainsburys and was about £5 (although you can similar ones from TK Maxx) as is the candle holder (not sure on price as it was a gift). The heart is from Primark and was £1 which was an absolute steal. The little box and mini candles were also gifts.
Total cost: £7
So for a mere £15 I have decorated 3 different corners of my room and made the space my own. Best of all these can be packed up and easily moved to the next student house. Has anyone else got any tips for decorating on a budget?
Great tips. I love adding flowers to my room and now that spring is here I can't wait to get some fresh tulips.
Ah tulips would be great as well! I saw some lovely ones on E Florist that were pretty cheap! Thank you for your comment xxx
DeleteBrilliant tips. I love those postcards and always looking for cheap, quick and easy ways to decorate my house. Thank you for this. 😊😊
They are great! I've already got a few but I may have to go get a few more... hehe xxx