7 Hairstyles to rescue a bad curly hair day

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Curly hair is a frickin pain. It looks oh so fabulously shiny and swishy on the day you wash it. You float about with a tumble of glossy curls that cascade down your back making you look at feel like a Disney princess. Once you've slept on it the nightmare begins. Normal straight haired people just brush their hair again, maybe use a little dry shampoo or a quick once over with the GHDs and they're set.

Just washed
For people with curly hair its a whole different game. Now don't get me wrong the good thing about curly hair is that it never looks as greasy as straight hair so you don't have to wash it as often which is great cos washing it is a total pain in the arse.

However you can't brush it without washing it (or you'll look like the local madwoman) so you're in a bit of a tricky situation. You could just wash it everyday but if you wash it all the time it will eventually start to look flat and lifeless as you strip all the natural oils out. But if you don't wash it everyday you can't brush it. The result is a tangled mess that takes you forever to deal with plus second day hair never looks as good.

My advice? Figure out what you can do with it to disguise what a mess it is so you can waste less of your life washing it and make your hair better in the process. Accept the fact that you cannot brush your hair everyday and you will have to get up 10min earlier on days you DO wash it so you can attack it with conditioner and a comb while in the shower. Sorry housemates who also need to shower in the morning but TOUGH.

First thing you need to remember is that unless its been quite a few days since you washed it or you've worn a sweaty riding hat on it (like I do) then its highly likely that to anyone other than you your hair looks no different. I swear that normal people think my hair looks exactly the same all the time and they regularly feel the need to tell me this. Its all part of being 'blessed' with naturally curly hair.

So now we've established the plan of only washing your hair every 2-3 days what do you do with it in the meantime? Well as I have a lifetime of experience in this area here are my suggestions. All of these though will obviously work with straight hair too.
Day 2. Difference is not that obvious. Really

1. Just wear it loose anyway. As I've already mentioned nobody else thinks it looks any different anyway so just leave it and don't care. This is obviously the easiest option but it is really only suitable for the day after you've washed it. Get yourself some decent serum and run that through it and 9 days out of 10 it still looks fine and you're good to go. Laugh at all the straight haired people who had to brush their hair that morning.

2. Plait it. Once you've gone past this point or you woke up with it all stuck up cos you slept on it weirdly you are going to have to tie it up. I find day 2 or three to be the best day to go for a plait because my hair is not yet knotty enough for me to have to rip most of it out in order to achieve this.
The classic plait will keep your hair under control and tidy and is ideal if you are trying to do something where you need it out of the way eg. at the gym.

3. The fishtail braid. Looks great when you get someone else to do it and have it all the way down your back but I usually end up doing it myself so have it as a side plait (congrats to anyone who can do it by themselves without making it a side plait). I think it looks cute like this, particularly in the winter when I wear it with a beanie. Plus it keeps it out of the way and under control.

4. The french braid. Although I can french plait I need someone else to do it for me cos it's just too fiddly to do yourself. As a result this one rarely gets a look in but if you are skilled enough then it looks incredible.

5. Pigtails. These take only a few moments to do so are great when you are in a hurry. Plus almost everyone looks super cute with pigtails.

6. The pony tail. This old friend will never fail you and is great for days when you don't have time but your hair is just so bad its beyond saving. Get yourself some decent hair ties that are tough enough to hold your curly locks and tie it up in a high pony tail. I like to pretend to myself that this tells other people I'm low maintenance and I just woke up looking this cool. Scrunchies are back at the moment so add one of these on top of your hair tie thats doing all the work and you're good to go. 

7. The messy bun. Now as your hair is curly every hair style you do it going to be messy so just embrace it. Those straight haired girls spend ages back combing and using curling tongs to get this look. Just grab your hair and wind it into a loose, messy bun. Secure with a nice strong hair tie and glam it up with a scrunchie/ribbon/hair clip etc. Use bobby pins to secure any bits that wont co-operate. This style can hide even the messiest of hair so no matter how bad it looks and how much you overslept it can always be disguised.

So there we have it, 7 different ways to turn around even the worse of hair days.
What do you find works best for you?

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