My Birthday!

Friday, 12 December 2014

 Now in case I hadn't milked the fact it was my birthday enough, it was finally the actual day!

I went home for the weekend to see my family and we had a lovely meal out at a local pub, getting very drunk on bubbly and just generally being rowdy and mad.

I received some absolutely beautiful gifts, mostly of amber jewelery which is all stunning and I cannot decide what to wear first. My mum made me an incredible basket of happiness (alcohol and chocolate). Also had some generous money gifts (big thanks to relatives for that, I am totally skint at the moment, so MUCH appreciated thank you!). My boyfriend bought me a beautiful ring (FYI we are NOT engaged, its just a casual ring that I had my eye on) and put up with my mental family for the weekend.

Spent the Sunday messing around on the farm with the horses, trying to get better at archery and attempting to shoot ducks with the air rifle. Proud to say I won this :D

Afraid I didn't take that many pictures as I was too busy having fun but there are a few. Big thank you to my parents, I had the most incredible 21st. There I said it, I'm old now. Its official. Heres to getting a million cats and being a mad old lady.

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