2014: My year

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

So this year has literally zipped by me. Quite scary really. Probably means I am getting old.
Its been a very busy year that has seen some huge changes for me and not all of them have been good. However I am proud that I have managed to get through what has been a tough year at times.
So here are some of the biggest things that happened to me over the past 12 months.

1. I got really ill. Like really ill. Back in January I had Urosepsis which is where an innocent little bladder infection gets totally out of control and gets into your blood stream causing blood poisoning. This was probably due to stress as it was right in the middle of my January exams and I felt horrific. My temperature was so high I was delirious and I just couldn't eat anything. Luckily some strong antibiotics from the doctors (which also made me feel like shit) got rid of it and I avoided being hospitalized. So yeah, that was me being all dramatic.

2. I went on a lot of field trips this year and I won't pretend to have enjoyed all of them. But I have been lucky enough to travel to some really cool places that I would never have seen otherwise so for that I am grateful. Some of them I would really love the chance to go back and explore again but for fun, and best of all a lot of them were in amazing parts of the UK.

3. I didn't compete in carriage driving at all this year. This is the first time since I was 8 that I have not been out and about on the carriage driving scene. At times I have found it liberating and at other times I have found it heart breaking as I was so disconnected from a sport that has shaped my life so much. The reason I had to take a step back was because of all the field trips I had to go on (looking at you, stupid geology degree) as I just couldn't do both. Now I am back and I can't wait to see what 2015 brings.

4. Back in June my Grandad passed away peacefully in his sleep after fighting a strong battle against cancer. This was a very tough time for all my family and I think we are all sad that we didn't get to spend much time together over the past few years. Grandad, you are sadly missed and we think about you all the time. I hope you are looking down from heaven watching all the madness and mischief we get up to. I now look at life very differently and have a greater appreciation of what really matters to me.

5. I'm not ashamed to admit I've had a bit of a confidence crisis over the past year. I've allowed certain feeling of being inadequate to get the better of me and it's time for that to stop. I've let people walk all over me and push me down and I'm no longer ok with it. Over the past month or so I've been feeling much better about myself and I think thats something to be proud of.

6.  This summer I completed my 5 week Independent Mapping Project which is probably the most challenging thing I've ever done. When my dissertation is finished I will sit down and write a post about it, but for now I will just say it was a huge achievement and I will be relieved when it is all finally handed in.

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